This page is all about you our runners. It’s the chance to tell your stories and let everyone know about your journey to the finish line. We are all different with different challenges and tales to tell – but we are all Robin Hood Marathon Events runners!
If you have a story to share, please email us at
Couch to 5k and beyond (the pain barrier)
Peter and Olivia Brewster
Peter started started a couch to 5 k in October last year at the ripe old age of 65 and fell in love with running soon became a run leader and qualified as a England athletics running coach. He entered his first 1/2 marathon at 66 years old at The Robin Hood Half Marathon and finished 2 hours 22 minutes. Running with his niece Olivia Brewster, who had never run at all before last year, they completed the event together but not without some drama: Peters' toe was causing a lot of pain at 6 miles but both kept running (never walked) and crossed the line despite the agony of the detached toe nail. (we have seen the pictures but it is not a sharer). This was the last (and maybe least) of Peters health challenges which he overcame to complete the Robin Hood Half Marathon. A brain tumour survivor after major surgery and also recovered from a heart attack, he achieved his goal and when the pain of the toe nail was excruciating, Olivia never left his side and both crossed the line together. An inspiring tale of stubborn grit and the the camaraderie and values of runners. Well done both of you... inspiration indeed

Juta and Jennie
Nurses running Robin Hood Half Marathon for Hayward House
Two Nottingham nurses are taking on the Robin Hood Half Marathon this September in aid of Nottingham Hospitals Charity’s Hayward House Appeal.
Jennie Warrior and Juta Kirby, who are both nurses at Hayward House palliative care centre at Nottingham City Hospital, are taking part in the running challenge to raise money for the patients and families they care for.
Jennie said: “I'm passionate about my nursing job and wanted to help contribute towards the Hayward House Appeal. I feel it is so important to make our environment even better for our patients, which will help them receive quality care and create special memories when they approach the end of their life.
“I've wanted to increase my running distance for a while now and thought the Robin Hood Half Marathon would be an ideal opportunity. I'm feeling excited but a bit nervous about doing the half marathon!”
Juta said: “I am really looking forward to the Robin Hood Half Marathon and really hope many friends and colleagues will come to support us on the day. We are raising money for Hayward House as it would improve our patients’ and their families’ experience in their most difficult time.”
Since his first run in 2012 Reece has run in many 10k, 10m and half marathons with numbers pushing near to 30 by the end of this year. This year will be Reece’s 7th Robin Hood Half Marathon! Reece will run again as a Superhero for charity, Superman! Reece will be running for the Alzheimer's Society and Macmillan Cancer Support this year. The sad loss of his sister-in-law in 2006 to cancer, a diagnosis of Alzheimer's & Vascular Dementia of his father in 2019; in 2019 Reece lost 2 friends to cancer but it was poignant also as the last year his Father was able to attend. With his best friend’s cancer death last year supercharging Reece’s fundraising and charitable works, a story that many runners will identify with in the desire to make a difference with their love of running.
The Robin Hood Half has a great reputation for crowd participation and running in costume really gets the cheers around the course though high temperatures are not his friend on the day! Reece says of last year, “…on the 11th mile, I knelt on to stretch my muscles, on the Robin Hood Half route, one of the Pacers, the one at 2hr 20, they shouted ''hey, you're not gonna start flying to the finish now, that's cheating! I'd knelt down like that of Henry Cavill in ‘Man Of Steel’ before he took off in the air!!!”
As we move into the final weeks before 2023, here are a few tips for new runners from Superman…
*New trainers; wear them at least a few weeks to wear them in a bit, to stop blisters forming.
* Wear suitable clothing, for the run and weather.
* Carry a running water bottle with you, get some SIS Hydro Tablets, 1 in the water bottle, have this at intervals, to help keep you going.
* Take some SIS or similar brand running gels with you, have one at the start, middle and near the end.
* At the start, don't start too fast, you will put an end to completing the run. Keep a slow steady pace, then as you progress through the miles, you can then pick up pace slightly, at each mile out, and you will complete the race.
* Keep music on a lower level so you can hear those who may be cheering for you!
* More than anything, enjoy the day, you will feel a bit nervous before the start, I still do at the start of any race, 11 years on!

Raising Money for Hayward House
Amber is running in memory of her Uncle Mick, and to raise money for Hayward House, where Mick was cared for in his final days.
Amber and her family are so grateful for the care Mick received that she has decided to take on the challenge in aid of Hayward House Appeal, which is raising money for enhancements to the palliative care centre at the City Hospital.
Talking about her uncle, Amber said: “Uncle Mick was the absolute life of the party - a loud, funny, infectious, larger than life personality really defined him. As a successful businessman he held the perfect balance of charisma and intellect and I've never known an individual impact so many others to the extent Mick did.
“However, his main love - and not always a smooth ride - was Nottingham Forest. A die-hard season ticket holder alongside an incredible ability to consume more beer than anyone else made days at the City Ground memorable for everyone!
“He absolutely adored his family, we have a big family and we'd all look forward to our tradition on Boxing Day where we'd go to the pub and play all sorts of games which Mick was of course, front and centre for. He leaves behind his wife Anne, his daughters Shannon and Chloe, as well all his nieces and nephews who all really feel his loss.”
Amber says she is by no means an experienced runner, but has always wanted to take on a half marathon, and fundraising in memory of her Uncle Mick was the perfect reason to sign up and start training.
She said: “The half marathon goal started as a personal goal to motivate myself on a fitness basis, but seeing the response I was getting when telling people I was doing it and the conversations it started to provoke, it felt like a no brainer to fundraise alongside this. People have such respect for Mick, and the hole he's left is immense, so it just feels so apt. He would have without a doubt been at the finish line with a pint in hand for me!”

Denise's Story
running for abigail
My daughter Abigail went to America with her boyfriend in February 2019 to begin an exciting new chapter for them both. Sadly, in June 2019 after suffering constant headaches that would not go no matter how many painkillers she took, she was eventually diagnosed with a medulloblastoma grade 4 – an aggressive brain tumour. After 4 months she very sadly lost her fight after undergoing two surgeries to remove the first and recurring tumours.
Brain tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer yet just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this devastating cancer. That is why I am trying to raise both awareness and funding for vital research into this deadly disease.
Abigail was the most fun loving, kind, passionate human being who is missed by so many including myself, her step-father and her sister. If she can be brave enough to go through what she did and stay positive throughout, I am definitely going to challenge myself in order to raise money for vital research.

Charley Coulson ran the 2022 Robin Hood Half Marathon with the aim of finishing the 13.1-mile distance in 2 hours and 30 minutes. She wanted to say thank you to Nottingham Hospitals for the care they gave her grandparents, and also for saving her Dad’s life three times over the past 3 years.
Charley said: “Nottingham Hospitals did everything they could when both my Grandparents were sadly diagnosed with cancer. Not only that but they’ve saved my Dad’s life three times in the past three years after he has undergone major heart and lung surgery.
“I want to honour my Dad and raise money in memory of my grandparents. I would also like to raise money in memory of my boyfriend’s Grandad, who was like a Grandad to me. I want to thank the hospitals for everything they do for thousands of patients each year.
“My Dad is doing much better now but will never truly recover from his operations so I’m doing this because he can’t. I couldn’t think of a better way to say thank you as I’ll be forever grateful for the care they provided my family and for saving my Dad’s life.
“Thank you to all the NHS staff across Nottingham. You are truly remarkable and I will always appreciate everything that you’ve ever done, not just for my family but for others too.”
Charley is just one of our incredible fundraisers who ran for Nottingham Hospitals Charity at the Robin Hood Half Marathon.

Bekki ran the Nottingham Half Marathon to raise funds for a charity my family and I set up in my son's name. The Campbell Burns Metabolic Trust was founded in May 2012 after my boy was diagnosed with a severe, life-limiting metabolic condition. Campbell was a strong little boy but sadly couldn't outrun his illness - he died at the age of 8 months in September 2012. It was, and still is incredibly hard to deal with, but the charity we set up does so much for families dealing with metabolic conditions, and we're so proud that his name is a force for good. The Trust gives grants to families to help them buy essential kitchen equipment, cover the cost of taking their child to hospital, or go on a fun family day out.
I often think of Campbell on my long runs - I certainly thought of him at miles 11 and 12 around Nottingham, with the end of the 2019 race in sight! To be given a Golden Ticket as I crossed the finish line was, I think, a sign - to stay strong, to keep running, to keep the charity going, and to keep helping families dealing with metabolic conditions. I'm sure Team Campbell will have a presence at the Robin Hood Half for many years to come.
Three generations of the Ellis family took part in the event weekend to raise money for charity. Whilst Paul and Geraldine’s daughter Rachel (Whelan) ran in the Half Marathon, Rachel’s two boys Oliver and Matthew ran in the Mini Marathon with Grandma and Grandad. They were joined by daughter Karen (Silvester) and her two children Emily and Rosie.
Youngest runner was Matthew who was just 5 and oldest was 72-year-old Grandad Paul.
With a family love of football (Geraldine and Paul met at Forest over 50 years ago) they chose ‘Head for Change’ as their charity.
‘Head for Change’ is a charitable foundation, pioneering positive change for brain health in sport and supporting ex-players who are affected by neurodegenerative disease as a result of their professional sporting career in football or rugby. Affected by this illness is a good friend of the family, Dave Watson, who started his career with Notts County and won 65 England caps.
Paul 72, Geraldine 71, Karen 39, Rachel 32, Emily 10, Oliver 8, Rosie 7, Matthew 5

Joanna's story
This year’s Robin Hood Half Marathon is the first race I have ever entered, and is something I never thought would be possible. I was in a wheelchair for 20 years from the age of 8 due to an autoimmune condition. When I recovered, I started to run. I loved it because it was something that I had never thought would be possible. Unfortunately after a few months of running I had to stop due to a chronic painful injury in both knees caused by muscle weakness as a result of my illness. The physio told me I would never be able to run, but I didn’t let that stop my dream! I worked for two years on strength training and over time I was able to start running again. I am really slow but I don’t care – I’m just so happy to be able to run!
I am running for Equation, a Nottinghamshire domestic abuse prevention charity. 1 in 4 women will experience abuse and I have been in an abusive relationship so I understand how difficult it can be to reach out for support.
Domestic abuse rates increased dramatically over lockdown so it is vital that charities such as Equation get enough support to continue helping women and men who are experiencing abuse.
four reasons to run for
when you wish upon a star
Naomi: Back in 2019 I lost my best friend Laura who had been battling with CF all her life, she really did live life to the full and never let anything get in her way. Laura was very close to Barbara the founder of Wish Upon a Star and over the years Laura was granted the most amazing wishes and made precious memories with all her family and friends.
Janine: Running for special children for When You Wish Upon A Star because children deserve to laugh and be loved!
Sachin: As most may be aware I been increasing my running over the last year or two and working on of my health and so I decided to do the Nottingham Robin Hood Half Marathon this year as this will be the longest distance I would have ran. As part of this I doing this I decided to do this for a local charity " When You Wish Upon a Star". It’s mission is to grant the Wishes of children living with a life threatening illness.
Sander: Two years ago I was your typical couch potato. Sitting behind a desk all day, long car commutes and zero exercise. My body was giving warning signals that something needed to change so I started a bit of running. I got really inspired to start aiming for a half marathon by a close friend of mine who suffered a stroke and managed to run the Robin Hood half marathon exactly a year later. So I decided to join him for the next one.
As I want to ensure this is a special day I also want to raise money for a special cause which is "When You Wish Upon a Star". They are a fantastic organisation with a very straightforward mission: to grant the Wishes of children living with a life threatening illness.