Community Ambassadors

As part of our preparations for the 2019 race, we welcomed applications from you, our running community, to become our first Community Ambassadors. As you would expect, applications were plentiful and of a very high standard. It took some time for the Race Team to work through them all, and ultimately we were delighted with the team we welcomed on board. Each of them brings different experiences, different paces and different stories to the role, but all have incredible passion for our races, the weekend and the running community as a whole.

Many thanks to our wonderful Community Ambassadors who are still going strong in 2024…

Kirstie Dodsley

I’m not a natural runner and found it really tough. The Ikano Bank Robin Hood Half Marathon was my first half and since then I’ve ran it 4 times. In fact, I’ve now run 11 half marathons and 3 marathons. You could say running has changed my life. I’ve been a member of 3 running clubs and a triathlon club so it’s definitely brought lots of great people into my life.

I remember signing up for that first Robin Hood Half Marathon after just 2 runs with Woodthorpe Huffers and Puffers when I had only ever run 3 miles. I used to cry when Mr D told me I should build up to a 10k so had no idea what came over me the day I signed up. I trained really hard and loved every second of it!

I signed up to run the London Marathon for asthma in in 2017 - I’m asthmatic myself so I love being able to give something back to people who need their help.

I'm hoping to beat my 2017 time this year but I already know that nothing beats the support you get at a home race.

Natalie Holmes

I am not what you imagine a typical runner is and I never thought I'd love running, but it's one of the best things I have ever done. I'm proud of my running journey, the good and bad, I have learnt a lot about myself along the way. 

I joined a Notts Women's Runners beginners (couch to 5k) group – it was scary as I only ran on my own and felt so self-conscious. However, the large group of women runners were so supportive, I learnt about other people's journeys and we celebrated milestones together – it was brilliant! I then progressed to an improvers group (5-10k) which I didn't think I'd ever achieve but at my graduation I thought when crossing the line, "OK, a half is just this again and a bit more".

Running and being part of a running community has become a huge part of my life -I believe anyone can make that first step and anyone can run and do whatever distance they want, if they have the support and determination to do it.


After taking up running in 2015 just to lose weight, I quickly realised that running gives so much than initially thought – mainly friendships, achievement and a real boost to self-confidence.

With newfound confidence, I set up my own running group in February 2017. Recently, this has led me to create DOrunning, a Community Interest Company, to expand on what is already out there - a running based health and wellbeing hub targeting all, but with a little more focus on the less active communities in the city.

Since I started running, I’ve completed many races including four marathons and an ultra-marathon, however the Robin Hood Half Marathon will always be truly special to me.

Being Nottingham born and bred and having the chance to join thousands of people running around our city, with the excellent support from local spectators is something I am again really looking forward to. This is why I am absolutely delighted to be a Community Ambassador of the event.

Instagram @DOdaily2020

gaby neher

I am a runner - not a fast one, but a very passionate one, and I love nothing more than encouraging others to discover the joys, highs and perks of running for themselves. Running is about mental wellbeing and running builds communities and inspires a sense of belonging, and especially now, we need this more than ever.

The Robin Hood Half Marathon in 2017 was my first ever half marathon. Since then, I have run 11 more Half Marathons, 3 full marathons and done an ultra, but I have also become a LiRF, a pacer, and am one of the run directors at Beeston parkrun.

The Robin Hood Half Marathon is 'our' event, 'our' local celebration of Nottingham's rich and diverse running community, and experiencing the buzz of the day, being cheered on and willed on literally by thousands of spectators and participants, made me realise how much my community means to me. They made me realise that it's my turn to give back to my community and help as many others as I can to take the plunge and embrace 'our' Half Marathon and showcase the very best of Nottingham.

Instagram @gneher


By becoming a Community Ambassador you not only get to go behind the scenes to find out how this amazing race happens, you can help us make the event even better for everyone you as well as receiving a whole host of benefits including free VIP entry to ALL Goldline race events, race team kit and sneak previews of merchandise and medals.

Applications to become a Community Ambassador are now closed, however if this is something you are keen to be involved in please email